It goes on to say,

“My home is messy, but the way I am spending my time is the right way for me at this time at this stage of my life,” she said through an interpreter at a recent media webinar and virtual tea ceremony.”

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up is the very first book I read on the subject of minimalism after adopting the lifestyle myself six years ago. I loved it and learned a lot about living with less and why my home was so cluttered to start. However, with three kids at home, the always tidy side of her message just didn’t fit the life I lived.

After trying and failing to create an insta-worthy minimalist home, I almost quit minimalism entirely. Instead, I opted for a more grace-based approach to living a minimalist lifestyle. One that freed me from both the overconsumption of stuff and the unrealistic expectation of keeping a home that also looked the part.

I call it: Messy minimalism.

Messy Minimalism

The Life Changing Magic of Pivoting

If you’ve ever assumed minimalism isn’t for you simply because of your natural inclination toward messiness or the messiness that often accompanies parenthood, there’s hope.  Even Marie Kondo has opted to embrace the mess.

Messy minimalism is a realistic approach to minimalism that isn’t founded on rules, perfectionism, specific items or making your home “look minimalist.”  It’s about creating a home specific and unique to you without all of the excess stuff getting in the way.

Dear Marie Kondo,
Welcome to the messy side of less. Here is where sticky counters, balled up socks on the floor, and banana handprints adhered to our windows, meet clutter-free cabinets, capsule wardrobes and simplified homes. And that, is perfect.